by monis | Jan 14, 2016 | Concrete, DIY, Flooring, Home improvement, Painting
Many home owners report that their concrete does not look as good as it first did, and indeed some concrete looses its looks and become cracked and dimples and rust stains. This look damages the house look and many find it to be plain ugly, the solutions that people...
by monis | Nov 2, 2015 | Flooring, Home improvement, Tile
Ceramic tile material is rigid and relatively brittle, so a sturdy base is the most critical part of installing this type of tile. Unless you want to see cracked tiles, loose tiles, or loose grout, you need to select the proper underlayment. Underlayment being what...
by monis | Apr 9, 2014 | Flooring, Tile
If laying ceramic tiles is totally new to you, “5 Steps to complete a successful ceramic tile installation” is a set of basic but important tips that you will help you avoid making costly mistakes on your next bathroom or ceramic tile installation. ”...
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