10 Easy Steps To An Organized Home Office

Without the structure of an office outside of our homes, it is easy to scatter anything work related all over the house. We still need to complete our work in a timely and efficient manner. After all, the less time we spend working, the more time we have with our...

How to (DIY) Plumbing Basics

Plumbing follows the basic laws of nature — gravity, pressure, water seeking its own level. Knowing this, you can understand its “mysteries” and make dozens of fixes to your home’s plumbing system. You can save yourselftime, trouble, and money!...

10 Country Do’s and Dont’s

What follows are 10 lessons from my ìnow I know betterî collection. Perhaps these lessons learned will ease your transition from the city to wilderness. 1. Know thyselves. If you are a couple who bickers over which way to hang the toilet paper roll, donít buy raw...

6 Tips to Stop Mold Growing in Your Home

It is normal to find mold spores in a homes indoor air and surfaces such as clothes, walls, and furniture. Most of the time mold spores found indoors are from outside sources. Regular housekeeping cleaning helps keep mold levels low. Cleaning small areas of visible...