by Robert Lennon | Nov 5, 2015 | Decorations, DIY, Home Decor, Home improvement, home organization
There is no denying that chandeliers are perfect lighting choices for dining rooms. Not only do they provide excellent ambient lighting, they add an undeniable element of style and sophistication to any décor. But have you ever noticed how some chandeliers just do not...
by Robert Lennon | Nov 2, 2015 | Flooring, Home improvement, Tile
Ceramic tile material is rigid and relatively brittle, so a sturdy base is the most critical part of installing this type of tile. Unless you want to see cracked tiles, loose tiles, or loose grout, you need to select the proper underlayment. Underlayment being what...
by Robert Lennon | Oct 31, 2015 | DIY, Electrical, Home improvement
In order to ensure an even distribution of hot water to the radiators in a system you’ll need to ‘balance the system’. Often the radiators near to the boiler/pump would tend to be warmer than the radiators further away, balancing the system will even...
by Robert Lennon | Oct 26, 2015 | DIY, Woodwork
Beauty and functionality should not be considered as two concepts that cannot go hand in hand. It is the general misconception that items that are beautiful or elegant looking usually fall short in the area of performance and functionality. Please keep in mind that...
by Robert Lennon | Oct 23, 2015 | DIY, home organization, Property
Many people dream about owning a castle . For some people the dream has become a reality . This article is a look at how the dream can come true . Buying a castle or historical building is a difficult task requiring access to a small and exclusive marketplace. The...
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