by Robert Lennon | Dec 30, 2018 | Ceiling, DIY, Handyman Posts, Handyman Work, Painting
Products To Use Painting an ornate, aluminum ceiling in fine detail is easy because it is painted before it gets fixed to the ceiling. Most aluminum paneling is sold with etch primer already on it so it is immediately ready to paint. You can use one colour over the...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 28, 2018 | Fireproof Safes, Handyman Posts, Handyman Work
Without enough protection and safety measures, a fire in your home (or business) could be the most devastating tragedy you will ever experience. Nowadays, people have come to realize that it is best to equip their homes and offices with fire protective gadgets and...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 26, 2018 | Handyman Posts, Handyman Work, Home improvement, Window Glass Repair
Let’s suppose you still have those old aluminum single pane windows in your house,and one of the neighbor kids throws a ball through it. ( Your kid would never do that!) Depending on where you live in the country, you can pay anywhere from $75 to $150 to get it...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 24, 2018 | Bathroom, faucets, Handyman Posts, Handyman Work, Home improvement, Plumbing
Drip, drip, drip. There are many inconveniences to be reckoned with when you have a leaky faucet in your home. First of all, the noise can range from a minor tapping in the background to a major barrier to sleep at night. You stand to lose some money in terms of...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 22, 2018 | Cabinet Knobs, Furniture, Handyman Posts, Handyman Work, Home improvement
Did you know that there are special stores all over the world that make a fortune out of selling cabinet knobs? One may even find the same thing on the Internet with web sites selling just this one product. As you can imagine their popularity became something like:...
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