by Robert Lennon | Dec 30, 2015 | Decorations, DIY, Furniture, Home Decor, Home improvement, home organization
It is often easier to decorate around the house; there exist some amount of spontaneity inspiring you to plunge into your own styling. When it comes to wall color schemes, things turn the other way. For amateurs and enthusiasts and homemakers too, this field appears a...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 27, 2015 | Furniture, Home Decor, Home improvement, home organization
Changing your old sofa is the same as removing the old plastic covering that has been hanging on your living room lamp for say, 5 years. Oh…the only design you are seeing now is the newest stain your son has added to the pile. And have you thought of how hard it is...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 25, 2015 | DIY
To the untrained eye, one screw is as good as another, but those with a little more awareness have a better chance of realising that choosing the right screw for a particular job can mean the difference between a project succeeding and failing. The industrial and...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 22, 2015 | Electrical, home organization, Metal work
For most families, the refrigerator is the star of the kitchen. It certainly gets the most attention as members open it and close it several times in a day. In some kitchens it is the easel that displays the most treasured artwork or a collage of favorite photos. No...
by Robert Lennon | Dec 20, 2015 | DIY
Those who smoke cigars, take their cigars seriously. For many, it is an indulgence in which they relish; a time to relax or reflect, celebrate or seal the deal. Whatever times or occasions one chooses to celebrate with a cigar, there is one thing they all have in...
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